Today I am going to share with you one interesting shrimp which I have been looking for these years.
It's name, Atyopsis Moluccensis, AKA Singapore Shrimp, Wood Shrimp, Flower shrimp, Bamboo Shrimp and Marble Shrimp.
Singapore Shrimp is an interesting shrimp, Completely different from other shrimps which we know so far. This Shrimp is a filter-feeding shrimp, they usually grow up to its maximum length of 5 inch long. It is quite BIG for a shrimp but it will take some years to achieve that size. It can be found in South East Asia and it was caught in the wild trading, and now it is widely distributed and MOST welcome shrimp among aquarium hobbyist.

What is so unique about the shrimp?
Because it has its fan-like structure "hands" to filter edible particles out of the water. Most of the times, they will hang on close the filter output, "fanning" the water for food. As you can see the fan-like structure "hands" pictures below.

Singapore Shrimp is also one of the BEST tankmate to have, it is peaceful and harmless to fishes. Due to its good nature, it will get bullied by bigger and agressive fishes. But breeding of this wonderful creature is impossible, because they require salt water for the larve to grow.
It looks like it is praying to GOD for food.
"Feed me! God! Feed Me!"
"Feed me! God! Feed Me!"
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