Thursday, April 7, 2011

Acne Cream - Pimple Day

Hi Blog,

as you know my face is a home based for acnes and pimples, but you may not know recently my face actually improved comparing my condition ten years ago.
These few days I happened to eat a piece of peanut bread, and peanut is one of the culprits which can cause our face to grow acnes. Now my face is seriously painful while the acne is growing bigger and stronger base.

Look! The acne is growing bigger everyday. My solution was to get OXY which is cheap So I went to a guidance store. When  I was just about to pick the product, a salesgirl told me she has one which I was looking for. Weird! How come she knows what I want; maybe my acne let the cat out of the pimple. She showed me a small acne cream product and claimed that this product works like magic. Within three days, then I will see the result.

hmmm honestly, after a short introduce of that product, I decided to give it a try. It costs $50 for a small container and now there was promotion of 40%.

let's us see whether it works on me or not. Blog, you will see the result in the next few days later, wish me luck!


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