Thursday, January 26, 2012

My Dream, My Vision, My Life

Hi Blog,

Today I saw an article posted from my Taiwan friend, 黄俊宇, my brother.

2012 Happy New Year年輕時 有的夢想 想做而不去做 等到退休後 卻沒有力氣 達成自己的夢想
This article showed people work their heads off and in the end, what they gained in return, are old rusty age (health problem), load of debts and regrets.

It sparked me how I began my vision; my dream.

As I can recalled, when i was young and my first vision was to accomplish BIG thing in my life.

After I went to secondary school, I expanded my vision to save Satan back to Heaven. (another word, everyone will have a demon in us, and that demon (Satan) doesn't trust us and simply want to disorient us. So we have be strong and help our demon to do the right thing, so that we can go back together.)

As I grow older, I told myself, I must find help others to see the light. In order to do so, I must start somewhere and most importantly is to be a role model than hypocrite.

Now everything seems so clear and I believe in more practical stuff. Then i posted these on facebook.

"- I won't wait when I get older to fulfil my dream; I can do it now!
- I won't wait when I have career, higher post or salary to fulfil my dream; I can do it without it.
- I won't wait for good things to happen to fulfil my dream; I work for it.
My Dream; My Vision; My Life."

~ Chinese Version ~
"- 我不会等到老了才去完成自己的梦想,因为我现在就可以去做了。
- 我不会等到事业有成,赚大钱才去完成自己的梦想,因为完成梦想根本就不需要很多。
- 我不会等到好事连连才去完成自己的梦想,因为我会去把它给做好。

My purpose was to confirm myself and hope to gather people who share the same vision with me, don't be depressed and don't waste time on seeking things which won't make us happy in the end. Like what Zhengyi had understood, "you work for your dreams and live the life you want now and not wait for them to fall from the sky."

Then Mr Brandon Oh asked me, what is my dream? Haha actually I felt ashamed to tell him or post my dream; my vision online. But I have to be firmed and I posted this.

"My dream is to make sure everyone light up their own candles and shine bright to every dark corner of world. No more back facing the sun, feel the warmness and share this to every ONE. "

Surprisingly from that onwards, I am certain of my dream and vision, I believe this is what I will be doing for the rest of my life. Hope my fellow friends, bloggers or anyone can assist me to fulfill my dream by giving me guidances and helping hands too. :)


Who actually understands what it means?


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