Thursday, March 19, 2015

Movie review - Chappie

Hi Blog,

It has a while ever since I watched movie at Cathay, based on Louis, he claimed they have better sound system and seats than GV. For me, Cathay does have better seats than GV. Anyway let's us talk about that movie - Chappie.


In my previous reviews, I mentioned about I love sci-fic theme movie, and yes, Chappie is one of the great example of a sci-fic movies. There are many similar conceptual movies like A.I., I robot, Robocop, Terminator and many more. They let you wondering, "is it okay to make a artificial intelligence or thinking robot? What will happen?" 

Oh my! Looked So exciting. It is about a scientist made a A.I robot which violates the rules of what a robot should be or to proof to human that whether is it safe to have A.I robots around us, a robot which programmed to learn, And a war Inbetween those two men. Who do you support?

In actual fact... This is not what the whole movie about.... (Spoiler alert!) take note, below is a personal review without biased to any directors or actors, I just review it based on how I feel and how much I understand from that movie.


Storyline - Surprisingly different.... from the trailer!

There was these random robot-making company created robots to replace policemen in the frontline of a crime and  reduce the number of casualties by  shielding them. Somehow like Robocop and one of the anime.

This was the man who was the one created those "robo-shields", his success was because those robots have certain Rubik to perform certain high risk tasks within the crime scene. Despite of those successes and recognitions, he was planning to make a robot with artificial intelligence - a learning robot which might benefit mankind in many ways. Personally I like the idea. 

But there is a restriction for making such robots. They believe it is a bad idea for crossing the boundaries between humans and robots. So for the current result, the company was very satisfying already. So he will have to find another way to get a robot to test his program but his path was never an easy one.

I don't know why he was acting in this movie, I can't imagine a hunk like him to be engineer of robotic, maybe because of his hot-blooded aura he emitted (just like Robocop - random) 

He also created a robot which can be completely driven by human through neurotransmitters helmet. But his overpowered robot cannot be approved to mass manufacture due to overpowered and can be dangerous if lay on wrong hands.

He got jealous over that nerd's achievement and Somehow wolvine managed to get that nerd red handed for stealing the spoiled robot.... Okay this is where the whole movie trailer explained. 

After this onward, the story went different track away from the trailer.

Chappie and its creator got himself involved with a totally random mafia group and throughout the whole movie,  I will expect the learning curve on Chappie like a kid learn stuff from classic cartoon show but no!!!

The whole Chappie's learning process was polluted by that unknown mafia group! It was too painful to watch! The director wanted us to feel sorry for the mafia group but no way, we hate how they manipulated Chappie!

Along that painful process, we finally have a chance to see chappie vs that copy of Robocop..... 

I shall stop here. The rest of the plot (don't wish to continue explain that because they didn't focus much on it, the scenes were a bit too rush) were great but they seemed like they just put it in, so that  it can be a sci-fic movie... How I wish they can they explore the consciousness part.... Just pure disappointment.


Music - Sound like Video gaming! :D

I won't comment much because the soundtracks didn't leave a deeper impression. so Just enjoy :) Personally I am the person who prefer the more EPIC Operatic music but among all the tracks, there are two tracks which I like - Breaking the Code & We Own This Sky

CGI - awesome!!!

Just like district 9, it looks very realistic but too bad the storyline-black hole suck it down!


Acting - Good Actors but average performance

I love his acting in this movie but seem like I can't enjoy much seeing him act more because storyline attention shifted.

Stick to Wolvine, you should be fine!

Good actress but we don't get to see much of her acting. 

I know acting is not their cup of tea. Do me a favour. Just do what you are best with.... I don't know why you are in this movie!!!

..... This is all I could say of him

Thank you Chappie! We love you!


Some random nice artworks found


Reviews from other and Things you didn't know


3.8/5 - Watch it without any biased, you should enjoy it

"The CGI is awesome, no doubt about it! Music can't leave any deeper impression than the concept and great potential idea/messages in the movie. I feel there is a lot of plot holes or many scenes just scripted to be happened without conflicts. I will hope that they can focus on the conflicts on Chappie's learning curve and the big topic about consciousness."

I don't own any of pictures, Credit to those whoever owns/copyright those pictures

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