Thursday, March 15, 2012

Say NO to forever-alone

Hi blog,

I learned something in my life, thanks Yu Ping for her advice.

I will say NO to forever-alone which like any other guys out there. I believe most of the time why guys will feel in this way because they got friend-zone by their crush.

In order to move on their life bravely, they 'choose' the FOREVER-ALONE path; aka thinking. That is to numb the pain they have.

But usually there is one flaw toward this thinking. They will get more and more negative (i forgot how to spell the word : permisstic ) toward their life. They will start to wine their negative feedbacks and influences to others. Honestly, they just want attention and hope any girls can give us a chance; aka seeking for pity.

I was like this for many years, the feeling was numb and honestly, not helping! Now I don't care!!! I am going to stand up and enjoy living!!! Like what my company (mastereign) motto, celebrate life!

I am going to love myself more, stop abusing myself. I am going to live strong alone and to let others know the true side of me!

Jeffery Wong's true self is Righteous, Fun loving, full of interesting perspectives, highly curious of life, can be serious, helpful, good listener and I am Mr Jeff!

Thanks God for everything. I am there for you to follow your call.


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