Monday, May 31, 2010

Message to McDonald

Hi Blog

I have to tell you something that I did few days ago. I wrote something to McDonald, hope they will put it to action, but still i won't take it everyday. I have to SLIM down, okay? LOL


Dear Mcdonald

Recently I realised Mcdonald has separated the cooking oil for Fench fries and other stuffs. Your crews handle food with cares, That is a GOOD service to have, unlike others fast food out there.

Representing a group of Veggie Lover and Vegetarian friends, I have decided to mail you this email, to give you a suggestion and hope you will seek this chance to open a new menu for Vegetarians.

I noticed in Malaysia Mcdonald, We have NO problem to find food for us beside just fench fries. Why? They actually have Egg burger for Vegetarian who takes egg. Surprisingly due to overwhelming excitement, I ate three burgers and still wanted to order somemore.
But when I was back to local, NONE of the Mcdonald store has this menu in their list. Honestly it was VERY ANNOYING. We Cant just eat Fench Fries ONLY. WHY cant we have burger (Vegetarian) like others do?

I spot a restaurant in Universal Studio, they actually sell vegetarian burger! The restaurant name, Goldilocks, sell TRUELY Delicious Vegerian Burger. Since they can have one, WHY CANT Mcdonald has theirs?

I hope Mcdonald can consider this suggestion seriously.

Best regards Jeff


Hope they will reply back to me. HAHaha 


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