Monday, November 20, 2017

Personal - Company Bonding

Good Morning Blog,

Today was my company annually event - Staff Appreciation Day. Last year, they hosted the event at Playnation and the Playnation Crew did a great job, so this year, they engaged them again.

Team Bonding from Marshxll Cxvendish Company.
Lucky Playnation was located near my working area, and it was at Tampines Hub.

Thankful to Playnation, Today I got a good chance to tour around Tampines hub.
The monkey was their mascot for Playnation.
Everyone gathered and waited for Playnation MC.
If you noticed why my pictures were square-framed? I learned a great way to have everyone engage in team bonding, is to create an instagram account and share the login info, then requested everyone to participate by contributing pictures.

The common instagram username used during that event was mcevent2017. They also used Hashslider - one impressive live display of the IG hashtagged pictures.

While we were waiting, I suggested we should play some game here and I can't resist the cuteness of the cat.
It was practically a paper Jegga.
Seemed easy but in fact, it was not.
I wondered will they ever make a non-paper version...
Smile for a wefie with my Fisheye lens - It worked perfectly.
Playnation made a game card for each team
They were very dedicated crew and made such unique card with games.
I was in Team 3 and here were my team members.
Did a jumpshot to gain more points
Sincere and royal Playnation crew. Jia you to you. :)
One of the memorable game stations was Kopi-O. Interesting gameplay. I will apply such gameplay to future events.
Waist pong station hurt my legs muscle. Hahaha
And we cheated to win. Hahahahaha!
Trying to find Raffles at Tampines Hub and yes, we managed to find it!
One of the most difficult photo quest - required 20 V-sign and besides gathering a group of strangers, we combined it with a picture with v-sign.
Rock climbing shot.
Relax on this comfortable bean bag.
Barnana corner!
One of the fun games which I ever played as a group, Overcooked! Nice game to have! I guessed it will be a game-to-get for PS4!
HAHAAH! Thanks Heaven for allowed me to win 2nd prize for an action camera! :)
In my company, we had a lot of Jegga pro, just looked at their difficulty level. I can't breathe while they were trying to remove a block out from this craziness.
I had to thank Playnation and my company, Mxrshell Cxvendish for hosting this event, I am so looking forward to next event at Playnation! Great, sincere and delicate Playnation crew. :)


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