Hi Blog
"You will realise that you lost many than you gain. That will be too late. "
I recalled a story which I read somewhere, I try to share with you and the reader. (if there is any. LOL)
when you desire/greed for something good to happen to you, that good thing will come and stand infront of you, which is not a good thing. It is a TRAP!
Eg. Someone who is mid 30s who needs like to have a GF like any other people.
Everyday he will keep thinking about it and pray for his right one to appear.
One fine day, he met this Pretty lady somewhere. They were QUICK in love, He was happy that he has such a beautiful GF. He enjoyed the times with her, she was so nice and caring. Decide to make
Everyday he will keep thinking about it and pray for his right one to appear.
One fine day, he met this Pretty lady somewhere. They were QUICK in love, He was happy that he has such a beautiful GF. He enjoyed the times with her, she was so nice and caring. Decide to make
Lets read another side of the story below
This pretty lady dream to be rich. With her appearance and cleverness, she can easily cheat men to buy her expensive stuffs like clothing and glamours. One fine she met this single mid wealthy guy who is looking for a partner. Easy target. He spent a lot of money on her, just to show her how much he loves her. All she needs to do, is to please him even agreed to marry him. In fact, she has a lot of BF whom her husband does not know about it. One of her favourite BF suggests to get all his wealths and run away with it. She thinks twice about it, but she dreamed of become rich, why not? They carefully planned to kill her husband by knocking down by car (uncaught). So this pretty lady was rightful person to get his remaining wealth.
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This pretty lady's BF also has desire to be rich and wants enjoy life. Same thing like the pretty lady, has many GFs. He found this pretty lady has a wealthy husband, so he planned to kill that husband, and owned a wealthy pretty lady as his GF. So that he can enjoy his life with her and spent her money on other girls.
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I know my English SUCK, but main message is, you have to be more careful of your greed and desire. If you have those, you will be blinded EASILY and it just grow selfishness in you.
Imagine if That guy can be careful of the kind of GF he is looking for? (because of his desire to have one GF desperately) Wont he be careful to know that girl's intention than just enjoyed the happiness when they were together?
Imagine if That pretty lady decides to earn money in a rightful way, she wont have to plan to kill her husband and lost someone who will love her truthfully?
Imagine if That BF stops whatever he did, and be a gentleman. It will save a lot of girls and he wont have to lose his conscience totally.
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This pretty lady's BF also has desire to be rich and wants enjoy life. Same thing like the pretty lady, has many GFs. He found this pretty lady has a wealthy husband, so he planned to kill that husband, and owned a wealthy pretty lady as his GF. So that he can enjoy his life with her and spent her money on other girls.
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I know my English SUCK, but main message is, you have to be more careful of your greed and desire. If you have those, you will be blinded EASILY and it just grow selfishness in you.
Imagine if That guy can be careful of the kind of GF he is looking for? (because of his desire to have one GF desperately) Wont he be careful to know that girl's intention than just enjoyed the happiness when they were together?
Imagine if That pretty lady decides to earn money in a rightful way, she wont have to plan to kill her husband and lost someone who will love her truthfully?
Imagine if That BF stops whatever he did, and be a gentleman. It will save a lot of girls and he wont have to lose his conscience totally.
So watch out of your greed, you wont know how it will affect you. Just do things in the righteous ways so that you wont be blinded easily.
So watch out of your greed, you wont know how it will affect you. Just do things in the righteous ways so that you wont be blinded easily.