Monday, September 9, 2024

Blog - September Overview

Hi Blog,

As September begins, I’ve been reflecting on the feelings of doubt and underachievement that have been weighing on my mind—like concerns about my physical fitness, the challenges of finding time to work out, and the pressure of not having started a romantic relationship. These doubts can really get to me sometimes, pulling me into a negative space. But with some help from ChatGPT, supportive friends, and years of trying to be a better version of myself, I’ve noticed that I’ve actually made some improvements. They’re not huge or overnight changes, but they’re there, and they matter.

It’s important to acknowledge that I’m doing the best I can with the time I have. My schedule is packed, and I still dedicate myself to things that matter, like spending time with family, and friends, and fulfilling my duties. That’s not nothing—it’s significant. And I have to remember that fitness isn’t just about looking a certain way; it’s about feeling good and being healthy. While having a relationship is a great experience, everyone’s timeline is different. Instead of focusing on what I haven’t achieved, I’m learning to focus on being the best version of myself and doing things that make me feel fulfilled and happy—like hobbies, volunteering, or self-improvement
What I’m learning is that progress doesn’t have to be a big deal to count. Even little steps—like accepting where I am with my fitness and staying open to the idea of love—are worth celebrating. I have to remember to give myself some credit. As I keep moving forward, I’ll try to focus more on the good stuff, be patient with myself, and embrace the slow and steady path of personal growth. Here’s to making September a month of growth, self-compassion, and positivity.

1st Sep 2024 - Trisuit Theme #102
(Click here to read more)

2nd Sep 2024 - Giving myself a little credit here, I make an effort to eat healthily, especially at lunch while I am working. Being fat is inevitable because I have no control over dinner. If I did not eat healthily for lunch, I can only imagine... Well, after eating this way for years with no improvement, should I give up? Nope, I should keep going. Although it did not reduce my fat, I know it is the healthiest route to take because I have fat genes.

2nd Sep 2024 - All right, this is getting to be too much. Since last Thursday, I have noticed that my sore throat has gotten worse; aside from increasing my coughing and running nose, I have also noticed that my headache has gotten worse whether I cough. Perhaps it was time to see a doctor and take a few days off work.

3rd Sep 2024 - On my first day of sick leave, Heaven is aware of my tendency to go for a quick hike despite being on sick leave. However, it began to pour rain to stop me from leaving. I suppose I will spend the day resting. I still can try tomorrow!

4th Sep 2024 - Heaven must think it knows me too well because it does not want me to leave. That was a heavy one this time! I guess it is time to head back to bed and get some work done at home.

5th Sep 2024 - Despite just recovering from sickness, I am determined to go for a slow jog. I've taken a long break, but now it's time to work out.

6th Sep 2024 - There were many families at the pool today, and I started to think that wearing white while swimming or taking pictures might not be a good idea. However, I realized that I had only brought a pair of white trunks. I did my best to take a couple of photos to complete my swimming theme. It was a bit limiting, but I tried not to worry about how others judged me as long as I stayed away from the families. Walking around looking less than toned like a demi-god is an unpleasant sight for the public...

6th Sep 2024 - After our meeting today, I understood that M and I have contrasting approaches to situations and unique personalities, both of which are equally valid. However, considering her strong personality and the difficulties in understanding each other, it may not be wise to pursue a romantic relationship. To safeguard our friendship, it's best to maintain the current state of things.

7th Sep 2024 - Rain and Shine
(Click here to read more)

8th Sep 2024 - Grateful that I was able to properly inflate my waifu's tires at last and enjoyed the enjoyable ride to my favourite peaceful location. My new photographer thinks this place is so beautiful—it is a calm, open landscape.

9th Sep 2024 - Today, I attended a course near my workplace without being prepared for a swim, and to my surprise, it ended quickly! Additionally, I was very close to Tampines Safra while it was raining without a storm, which meant fewer swimmers! I missed this place. Also, I will be wearing these trunks for the last time today because I have gained weight and they have become loose.

More to come.


Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hiking - Rain and Shine

Hi Blog,

After recovering from an illness and being free this weekend, I thought to myself, "I should go for a hike."!

Looking through my new camera with a CPL filter lens, I observed that it rendered the sky in the photographs more vibrant.
I plan to keep it simple for my new "photographer" by hiking from my place to Bukit Timah, although I initially considered exploring other locations.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Personal - Suits for the Theme #102

Hi Blog,

For the past few years, I’ve been on a journey to stay fit while capturing moments of wearing different trisuits in the same spot. This one is my #102 trisuit post, it still amazes me how what started as a small gesture has now become a motivating factor in my life. Looking back at my #1 in March 2018, I realize that it had been six years already!

Yeah, it might seem a little strange, but each photo serves as a reminder that I'm taking care of myself - whether I'm going for a run or just keeping track of my progress.
It's my way of acknowledging my dedication and reminding myself that even the smallest actions, such as getting ready for a run in my trisuit, can have a big impact.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blog - August Overview

Hi Blog,

After July, I had a clear aim for my life, but there were some unresolved backlogs, specifically relating to friendship. I will share in general, when meeting new people, we often encounter individuals who initially appear genuine and sincere. There’s a certain hope that this new connection could lead to something meaningful for one another, even though my past experiences have taught me to be cautious and I am also trying to understand that not everyone will have content to discuss besides personal objectives. Personally, opening up to someone new is always a gamble, but it's a risk we take in the hopes of forming a true bond.

Sometimes, however, the intentions of others can be a mix of friendship and something more. Even when I try to set boundaries and communicate my discomfort, the lines can get blurred. My hope to preserve a friendship often leads me to make concessions, even when, I know it might not end well.
After an encounter that involved crossing the line, the nature of the relationship changed, just as I had expected. The closeness we once felt began to fade, replaced by distance and fewer conversations. I feel regretful and blame myself for allowing things to reach this point, especially when I sensed and mentioned the potential for disappointment from the start, only to be dismissed by the other party. I feel like a fool because they could just exit easily since they already got what they wanted and affirmed that I am still that stupid person from the beginning.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hiking - One Rainy Path

Good Morning Blog,

If I have a free Saturday morning, I'll go hiking to try out my new camera. However, I've been asked to stay at my sister's house to help her sort through her housing applications.

Unfortunately, Miss Sky chose to shower the earth this morning.
After checking the weather patterns, the heavy rain appeared to be concentrated over the Indonesian islands and south of Singapore. Considering this, should I proceed with a hike??