Saturday, March 31, 2018

Personal - Random March

Hi Blog,

This is my 2018 March random moment post. I decided to post this at the end of the month like the overview too. To be honest, do you like to read my random post?

1st Mar 2018 - First time jogging with a lady, CC. I felt embarrassed to wear just trisuit to meet CC, my thick tummy will look disgusting so I wore a captain top. She likes the jog, and will love to do it again. :)
2nd Mar 2018 - Feeling very down... Like the hole in my mind started again... I felt so lousy and worthless at myself... Feeling so numb... and I know I am not good myself... breathe in and out... I will just put it down and accept the facts that I don't win any genetic lottery unlike others who are so well ... anyway... I move on.
4th Mar 2018 - Thank you EK for hosting a steamboat session and watched a funny movie - Campus Confidential (full movie link) I felt rather emotional while watching the movie as I can relate to the main actor.
7th Mar 2018 - I promised myself to maintain short hair-style myself. I guess I should learn to accept this.
9th Mar 2018 - My first time styling my hairs up, credit goes to the hairspray, but I will reduce it because of side effect.
11th Mar 2018 - Home Visit together with friends and trying to help our friend to live happily.
18th Mar 2018 - Sometimes I really don't have the mood when we supposed to have a workout morning and that person can't make it last min or overslept... TOTALLY No mood to do anything despite dressing up to leave the house...
21st Mar 2018 - Finally managed to go for a short jog and completed the theme I wanted to put up. It seemed like two more to go.
22nd Mar 2018 - Today I have a new roommate ZN, he will be staying over at my place for these few years for his study and job. Now I had to pick him up and helped him to carry some luggage from my sister's place. Sorry for the inconvenience for him (temporary stay at my sister's place) and S (who took off for that day to catch up). I guess I won't want to make anymore promise to anyone.
23rd Mar 2018 - I came home early and found ZN, my new tenant also back home early, so I asked him to join my jogging session before my next meeting, he agreed. Hmmm... one down and one more last one to go. (the theme)
24th Mar 2018 - I thought It will be the last suit, after careful checking, I learned that I still have one more left...
24th Mar 2018 - Finally managed to get my swimming buddy to swim today.
25th Mar 2018 - ZN joined our activities and started to bond with one another. Many years down the ZN's road.
29th Mar 2018 - even though it was raining before I dressed up... I still needed to complete the theme and I managed to complete it! (link) AND I felt so happy that I can bump to MacRitchie rare and shy tortoise!
30th Mar 2018 - My friend J invited me to his Church for the service. TBH, after attending the service, I only have this following thought - "when someone doesn't see the Truth or see through the Eye of God, whatever we shared are twisted." Hmmm... to think again. Maybe that is one of the graces of God, created a space to praise God at their own way. Not the Ultimate Way but at least one of the better way than lost. Long story short, Time to accompany my ill mom home.
31st Mar 2018 - Woke up early for a hike before tomb sweeping. What a cloudless morning and found a bright red stripped snake. hahaha! I felt so honoured. I found a Tortoise and today a snake. :) it is a good sign represents XuanWu Black Tortoise.


  1. 这位ZN 哪里的人 挺帅的

    1. Haha ZN is from ipoh. Yeah he is handsome no doubt :) he got too many compliments for that.

    2. 他几岁啊?在这儿可半功半读啊?

    3. 他現在23歲,大學生,現在要讀碩士。

    4. You can follow his Instagram if you want. Search for jelvislim

  2. 好失望。。找不着振南的 insta.. jelvislim 吗? 奇怪 ��


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