Thursday, November 23, 2017

Product - Alteration Service

Hi Blog,

In my previous post, I concluded that my Spidery suit face got a serious issue so I tried to search for some expert to help me to alter my suit. But.... to be honest, I will feel extremely awkward to show my suit to anyone... But lucky my mother knew a kind auntie who does alteration.

Here is the store located on 4th floor in People's Park Complex
You can contact her for her service
I knew this auntie and she won't judge me :) and I explained to her about my purpose of the visit, she just gave me a gentle smile and started working.

She drew a white line around the neck area.
Checking my suit.
Confirming the line and...
I can't believe she can just cut the zipper like that!
Started sewing!
An amazing machine that she has. :)
She made an extra potion to make a fold.
She even asked me whether is there any broken part; she was kind.
DONE! The whole thing just took less than 10 mins!
Overall, she just charged me for $8 with a discount. :) I felt so bad that at her age, she had to work so hard to earn a penny but she was happy and contented. I have a lot to learn.

Here was how it looked like after alteration :D

Pardon me that my swimming trunks can be seen here. LOL!
You can view here how the altered Spiderman suit looks like.


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