Monday, November 13, 2017

Product - Faceshell Acquired

Hi Blog,

Today will be a short post. I had to thank Fei for helping me to get a cheap Faceshell from Taobao, because previously (post link), I tried out the toy mask, it didn't work as what I expected... Wasted money... I spent money again! Hope it works well.

Ooooooooo! Kind of heavy though but still fine!
Let's test it out!

Due to the price, I didn't expect that it will come with magnetic lenses.
Nice lenses though :) as no one will recognize me!
Oh my! They gave me this mouth piece for free!!! (taobao link)
Don't know how it should fit in. I think the right image should be the right way to wear it.

With the faceshell... Hmmm look like shxt...
With the mouth piece... Shxt too...
I guessed I will have to wear it to test it out.

That eyes... didn't stay at the right place... But I love the shape of the faceshell gave.
Hmmmm I really hate the attached lenses... Bad work...
Even though I felt disappointed... but at least this time, I can zip up smoothly. :D
I think I will try to remove the lenses on the suit... Hope it will turn out good.

I guessed I shall remove the lenses.
Slowly and one hour later...
YES! Finally!
I was right... that spiderman suit got a BIG issue at it's face. Lousy workmanship! Sigh...
What a waste... I will find some alteration service to remove the zip and chop the head, so that I can just enjoy the body suit. Money again....


New Updated post about Alteration, Click here to continue.


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