Sunday, November 19, 2017

Personal - Someone Gave Me a PS4

Hi Blog,

I had a great news to share with you! My sister gave me a PS4 game console that she redeemed with her year-long-collected arcade tickets.

Some so-called limited edition PS4 game console! (I must say it has some limited...)
I don't want to spend money on game console which only entertains me for a few years and I have no time for it. (Too busy blogging)

Carrying a big heavy set back home.
Smile for the PS4!
Insert Holy music and flares!
Unboxed the content (sensed something not right...)
Anyway, setup and run! That logo... The nostalgic feeling was BACK!
After I had done setting up... where is the game?

Where is this free game? (Even though I don't like that game but... where is it?)
ESPECIALLY where is the 12 months free membership?
Based on my sister's statement, the arcade boss claimed that the redeemed PS4 set doesn't come with game and membership... Just like my relationship, I am always lack something... oh well, I just have to learn to live with whatever I have.

Hmmmmm.... I reflected myself, I did feel rather disappointed but also understood the situation. I got this one for FREE, I shouldn't expect it to giveaway such items too; What we got here are a free new game console and a controller. I should not complain at all.

Actually, I felt very honored to get an early Christmas Gift from my sister and Heaven. 

A message from my sister. :) Made me feel all these years of caring and praying paid off. Thank you, Heaven.
Okay! Time to spare a short time to play PS4!


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