Saturday, November 18, 2017

Hiking - Motivated Myself Today

Good Morning Blog,

Argh.... My tummy was still stirring... Stomach flu was not fun... But the sun outside the window, just like my playmate calling out for me.

I wanted to go for a short hike, besides stomach flu; my motivation also limited.
But BK managed to contact me and asked for a short workout! Okay no excuse for my bed and fat, let's GO!

I dressed up and brought BK to explore Tree Top Walk.
BK came to Singapore for work, he had not been to Tree Top before. I took this chance to push myself to workout and hold my troublesome tummy, just GO for the Hike!

Thanks BK for taking pictures of me. :) I always want to take a picture of me on this bridge.
And this too. I can't do myself. Credit to BK!
Since BK doesn't mind taking pictures of me, Let's take some more! Hahahahah...
Rarely able to take pictures of my plain non-V back, just pure YOLO!
In return, I helped BK to take his pictures too; To be fair. :D
During our quick hike, BK and I just updated one another's daily life and challenges. I just learned to lend him my listening ears until he saw this below.

He said that One way only; life also like this sentence, there is no turning back but to move forward. I know he had gone through some rough life recently. I don't advise any further but to pat on his back.
Today hiking was quite rewarding and I didn't regret, despite I still feel unwell. I just felt motivated if there was someone who wanted to hike. Usually, I will just go for the hike alone but when I am sick or recovering, motivation from others will be helpful.

OH MY! SPIDER! Aggressive one!
Giant Millipede! So cute!
Spot glowing mushroom! :D Should I try again?
After a short hike, I felt much better even though my stomach still stirs.


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