Saturday, November 4, 2017

Hiking - Exploring Two Woodlands Parks

Good Morning Blog,

Yesterday night we were doing some last preparation and stayed overnight for my sister's new home at Woodland. So that meant one thing....

Meaning I can go and explore the North-side easily!
Let's Go!

Today weather seemed gloomy... due to a heavy storm last night.
Arrived to Admiralty Park - A new park just opened to the public recently.
Quiet and clean pavement - great for joggers.
Time to explore this place.
Fat me standing infront of the camera.
Admiralty Park was just a small park with some artificially-layout garden.
I was scared to leave my camera on this bridge-handle for a picture.
Sungei Cine
I supposed to jog but my lazy fat axx just like to walk
fat me selfie-ing!
A water catchment area of Sungei Cine
Amphitheater - It will be a great place to host a small performance or talk at this area! I wanted to take a picture of me standing there but I was just too shy to take pictures with people around me. Big No NO for me!
Some routes they blocked for building better pavement, Government spent money on this to ensure we live in a safe and protected place.
Weird... the whole row of plants just dried up like that....
Anyway, besides Admiralty Park, we can explore Woodlands Waterfront Park because it was quite near with one another.

My second time here since 2014 (post link)
Waterfront Park because of...
This! Woodlands Jetty!
Look at our Left
then our Right...
And lastly, fat me!
Gloomy Morning wasn't exciting...
Causing me feeling just meh.
Same old playground since 2014, which I wanted to climb up but I was too shy... If I come back again, I will make sure I climb up!
Moving toward Woodlands Checkpoint
As the opposite of this riverbank is Malaysia - Johor Bahru. I checked my phone to ensure NO MORE oversea data connection.
OOOOOOOO! Along the roadside, I found an old structure.
It should be part of the Marsiling Tunnel.
Looked how massive it is!
Wanted to explore more of this place but I don't have enough morning time.
Need to go back to my sister's new house asap.
Again - I become a tree-man. Hahaha.
Due to my rusty camera... I can't adjust my camera to selfie mode...
The joint area due to sea water, it got rust... And I left my camera at the permanent angle for better keeping and hand-support for taking pictures. Sigh.... Saltwater KILLS!

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