Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Jogging - To Be Myself

Good Evening Blog,

This was a short post that I have to share the moment of having someone who doesn't mind me wearing trisuit.
CC doesn't mind at all. She thinks I should wear whatever I feel comfortable.
Usually, I feel lady will feel ashamed of a man in tight, but out of my surprise, she felt that suit is really special.

I felt that the main thing is acceptance; accept myself and be proud of myself. I could not keep on worrying but at the same time, consider how people feel too. So I will continue to wear the top for decent coverage and only let go with people who can accept me. :) The feeling of being myself is fulfilling; just like S, E, Sn, K, and others.

After jogging, we had a good long chat to understand one another. Thanks CC for sharing and she shared the same value as me. How nice to find someone like her.
I remembered I told her that I want to be muscular and buff, she said I am 'Man'; Muscular and buff in my mind and heart, another word she meant the discipline and thinking for others is manly. What a special lady she is.

I guess I will have to save up to get myself a dumbbell as she said, it is good to keep fit at our own time.
To think back... recently, I received many encouragements from people whom I treasured and now a confirmation from a lady is rewarding. I won't ask for more. Thank you, guys.


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