Friday, March 9, 2018

Cycling - Kickstart Night Cycle

Hi Blog,

It had been awhile since I had a night cycling together with friends, so before anything (class and meeting) start increasing and tighter. Kickstart a group night cycling is the Must-do-list. So... Today night cycling checked!

Wear my latest Tron jersey (link) and let's go!
My Waifu was ready to show off her new accessory. (link) It seemed like I really need to buy another pair to light up its rim.
Gathered everyone and welcome newer members
(SJ) Cycled around Punggol and visited CW's home.
(SJ) Trying to gather everyone to take a group pic
(SJ) CW family and he will join our future cycling.
(SJ) Okay! I found a way to take a group picture.

Due to the failure of taking a decent group pic, We decided to try it again at a brighter location.
Having a tea and toast bread treat at CW's home. That is why I am fat.
(SJ) busy replying messages while cycled back home.
(SJ) Thanks SJ for accompanying me back home and sorry to slow you down.
Hmmmm, it seems like we will be having another night cycling and enjoy a night supper together. :) Great to cycle again.


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