Friday, November 24, 2017

Product - Altered Spiderman Suit

Hi Blog,

Today late night I had a good lonely time to dress up my Spidey suit.

I realised that I have a problem to put the suit up...

At least it looked cool and better without that stupid faulty mask.
At least I can check my camera without the mask.
My body looked small... and big head....
Let's try to...
POSE With epic jump move.
I just loved the white spider logo
I felt that I should go out for pictures.
At this time (1am) was the best time when no one around to see me in that.
Looking around, maybe can save the day?
one of my favourite shots took on that night.
Okay, I should go and try my TronSpidey suit.
Wearing Slippers Oops!
Let's go and try TronSpidey now!
I realised the back zipper of the suit got some problem... if I planned to wear this again, I will need someone to help me. Hmmmm... to think again... When will I wear this again?


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