Monday, March 19, 2018

Personal - Dress Up For Fun

Hi Blog,

It is a short post because of... you will know it later.

Yippee! It arrived!
Today evening when I reached home, there was no one around, so I decided to open up my newly bought Tron Identity Disc from eBay (much cheaper from carousel)

Tron Identity Disc!
Let's get dressed up for it!
I realised that disc can't light up... Don't know it is due to the battery issue or a spoiled product itself. oh well... I will buy newer batteries to confirm next time.

Dressed my Tron suit to take some pictures and added in some special effect.
Posed like the movie!
Wait... I heard something...
My tenant came back home, it was embarrassing when he saw me in it. I tried to be normal and took out my gauntlet to pose. He was distracted with the Infinite Gauntlet so... I decided to carry on.

Crossover dress!
Today you may call me "Jeffnos Tron".
Do you understand the pun in Jeffnos Tron? :D
Jeffnos Tron - The original name is from Thanos. I removed 'Tha' to 'Jeff', and 'nos' will sound like many Nos; Jeffnos - Jeff NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs Tron (Jeff no Tron - Jeff is not Tron.)


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